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Submission Guidelines

Review Manuscript Submission Instructions

Authors should submit their papers online. The manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format (PDF version ≥ 1.4). We use EDAS system for submission of papers and review process. Unregistered authors should first create an account on EDAS to log on. Detailed usage instruction on EDAS can be found here. For the preparation of review manuscripts, please use Springer LNEE template. This template can be downloaded from (Template: LatexMS-Word)

Maximum size limits of a paper submitted in AIA’24 is 14 pages in single-column Springer LNEE style. Authors MUST use Springer template for submitting their papers. AIA’24 accepts two categories of papers: Regular Papers and Short PapersManuscripts with less than 6 pages will not be considered for review. Regular papers should present novel perspectives within the general scope of the conference. Short papers (Work-in-Progress) are an opportunity to present preliminary or interim results. The manuscript should not contain page numbers or any special headers or footers. Please compare all author names in EDAS with the author list in your paper. They must be identical and in the same order.

All submitted papers will be subjected to a “similarity test” by EDAS paper similarity checker. Papers achieving a high similarity score will be examined and those that are deemed unacceptable will be rejected/withdrawn without a formal review. All papers that conform to submission guidelines will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability (single-blind peer review, minimum three reviews per paper). The minimum length of the review period is 30 days. Authors will be notified of the outcome of the review process which includes the anonymous suggestions and recommendations of the reviewers. Acceptance of papers will be communicated to authors by email. Authors of accepted papers will be given minimum 20 days time to revise their papers based on reviewers’ comments. Authors will also be instructed to upload a file which contains the revisions they have made in the final papers based on reviewers’ comments.

The papers under regular and work-in-progress categories will be scheduled for oral presentation. Independently of the presentation type, all papers are included in the proceedings. To be published in the Conference Proceedings, an author of an accepted paper is required to register for the conference at the full rate.


Extended Submission Deadline for main tracks  : October 15, 2023

Author Notification : October 31, 2023

Final Version Due : November 25, 2023

Author Registration : November 20, 2023

Conference Dates : Dec 18-20, 2023

Co-affiliated Symposia / Workshops have their own deadlines! Please refer to the CFP on the corresponding web pages for detailed information.


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